You Are Unique

Yes, each one of us is unique. Each one of us has a personal style, a unique body and tendencies which are unique to us. Each one of us is made differently, with different body constitution and body’s prakriti. And that is why a common workout plan or a diet prescription doesn’t work for everyone – or at the best only gives limited results. At VedaQ – we develop Yoga workout and diet plans for you which are uniquely developed to match your prakriti, body type and your lifestyle.


A Complete Transformation

Combination of ancient wellness science of Yoga, Ayurveda along with modern health science makes a powerful tool to lead a holistic body-mind transformation. VedaQ’s personalised plan not just heals and strengthens your body but also works on your mind and helps it make it calmer.

This is a holistic 10 weeks plan that will gradually and for long term – transform your body’s fitness and inculcate new fitness regimes and habits in your lifestyle. The plan is based on slowly detoxifying your body, boosting your digestion and metabolism, enhancing your overall wellness.


How It Works

The plans are carefully crafted for each individual after doing a comprehensive assessment. Your personal plan is based on scientific insights and Ayurveda wisdom.

Personal Wellness Plan


Along with personalised plan we at VedaQ also give personal attention to your growth, take constant feedback on your improvement and ensure that you ingrain a newer healthier lifestyle. You will get a weekly plan for your workout and diet.

Workout plan will have detailed guide on how to do, videos and repetition for various exercises and poses. Weekly diet plan will have a diet plan which is different for each day.




  • Yoga based workout that includes strength and cardio mix
  • Ayurveda based diet plan which can be easily followed from home
  • Weight loss & muscle toning through use of just your own body weight
  • Do at home at your comfort, no need to go anywhere
  • A new plan every week based on your progress
  • Call sessions with VedaQ experts to guide you through your transformation journey


To participate or to know more about the plan write us at