Yoga the 5000 years old art of integrating mind, body and soul has always been considered apt for the elder generation or for the people with prolonged diseases. Adults enjoy its benefits like, physical activity in sync with the breath, flexibility, coordination, concentration.
Although many adults relish the benefits of yoga, but some link it with religious practices of Hinduism, like chanting of “OM”, Sun Salutations etc and thereby, prefer their kids to avoid this religious based activity. At times, kids themselves don’t find it interesting enough to enrol for the same.
With the rise of competitiveness among kids they get stressed easily. Even a toddler faces stress. This is shown in their communication, behaviour and inflexibility for particular things. At times even they are unaware about the level of being overwhelmed for few situations. Nowadays, a preschooler shows unnecessary stubbornness over issues that are too negligible to be marked too important for this level of reaction.
Yoga is that art that helps children to overcome emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts which they encounter everyday and in almost every small situation. They learn when to act and react to situations, if necessary, thus leading them to self-assessment and discovery. Children are born flexible and yoga culture helps to extend this gift. Poses like downward facing dog stretches their spine, warrior series teaches coordination and concentration, brings strength. Strength and flexibility allow for lesser injuries especially when kids are engaged in sports, concentration plays a significant role in their studies and day to day decision making ability.
This ancient practice continuously supports children in their studies, sport, behaviour, self- development, relationship not only with everyone but with us too. It is being taught to kids by using generic terms. Poses are renamed as cat, table, chair pose, downward facing dog, camel etc. They can practice it anywhere, unlike adults who need a proper schedule, space and decisiveness to get on to the mat.
The fun and innovation associated with this practice makes it too motivating and exciting to inculcate in daily routine. It wouldn’t be wrong to call it a way of life right from the younger age. Read why it should become a habit for younger ones too:
- Boost concentration– holding an asana demands to focus on the effort to hold the posture. This single focus helps them to achieve better grades and stable learning. Poses like eagle are modified in a manner that is achievable for kids and thereby, they inherit benefits of being in that particular posture.
- Control mood swings– a kids’ yoga session has slow and fast paced asanas to keep it interesting and teach their muscles to relax and act. This also helps to control their mood swings, when they learn the art of self-control, required either to release or sustain the practice.
- Detachment from electronic gadgets– this physical activity is practiced anywhere by the kids, like colouring their favourite asana, using yoga puzzles, learning mantras. These practices along with sports make them released from using such devices from time to time.
- Enhance confidence– the art of yoga instils confidence among children. When a kid masters a form, this brings confidence and self- esteem,
- Strengthens the Mind-Body Connection– the modern world moves very fast and it has become difficult for kids to keep up with everyone around. Asanas and pranayama practices cultivate peaceful, relaxed state of body and mind. Thus, they learn how their bodies are synced with their mind. Basically, they are mentally and physically present at the same place.
Benefits associated with yoga are numerous and every day practice gives birth to a new one, adding to the cart of existing one. Even though parents notice benefits in their children, but kids themselves feel that they are able to concentrate better during the day, focus better on small-small activities and are able to control unnecessary mood fluctuations and calmly coping up with everyone.
The insightful power of yoga is truly the best gift that has been given by the parents and could be given.
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