With Work From Home, Don’t Forget Workout From Home.

Current situation : Not just Many of us are currently locked down at our homes and for most of us our physical activity has gone down considerably as we aren’t walking that much or hitting our fitness studios. While we are working from home in front of our computers – this shift can be detrimental for our health if we aren’t working out.

We at VedaQ have prepared a home Yoga workout sequence just for this time – when our physical movements our low and sitting time is perhaps high. This workout is further customised for you according to your specific lifestyle and needs.



Yoga Workout From Home




  • Help you strengthen the immunity
  • Keep you energized throughout the day
  • Improve your posture
  • Reduce neck and back pain
  • Strengthen body muscles
  • Reduce stress, headache, anxiety
  • Improve your productivity
  • Gain better focus, calmness of mind




Damages Of Excessive Sitting

Sitting for long hours with reduced physical activity can do lot of damages to individual’s overall health.

  • Bad posture
  • Lower energy
  • Increased stress
  • Gaining unnecessary weight and obesity
  • Risk of diabetes
  • Higher chances of colon cancer and other lifestyle diseases
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced immunity

Undo The Damage. Give Your Body A Boost.

The Yoga workout plan is scientifically designed to include postures, exercises to undo the damages a sedentary lifestyle can attract and is especially customised for this period. These postures will help in correcting the postures,  unblock the energy flow and blood circulation in all parts of the body, increases strength and immunity. This customized Yoga flow also has some powerful breathing exercises that will calm your mind, reduce stress and help you bring more focus in your work.


How Will This Work

Once you register and share your details with us – we will customise the workout for you and share the workout link with you. Customisation by our experts may take few hours and we generally share the workout before 24 hours for filling the form. The workout sequence will have all the instructions and tips to help you successfully follow the workout plan. It will also have videos of poses to help you understand how to perform it correctly. For each pose repetitions and sets will be mentioned for you. After each pose you will be able to click next to get the next pose. You can open the link anytime in the day to begin your exercise (but avoid working out immediately after you have eaten anything – keep a separation of 2 hours at least from your meals. It is best to do it on empty stomachs. Early morning time zones are preferred )


Get This Powerful Workout Right Away

Contact us at hello@vedaq.com